Morning Pages

I've begun my own version of Morning Pages, inspired by the accompaniment piece to Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. So far the most creative thing I've written has been describing creativity as breaking open an egg. Otherwise, I've really had to power through what feels like simplistic journaling. It's been only a little over a week in, so I'm interested to see how my morning pages evolve. Even if it's just a mental palette cleanse, it's also served as a refreshing way to start my days. Just like the changing of the seasons, I'm turning a new leaf in hopes this exercise will flex my writing muscle.



In true, outdoorswoman fashion, I have officially joined the Chaco's family. These babies have already accompanied me on one greenbelt hike this weekend, and I have no doubt there will be many more trips to come. See you outdoors!


Let's get together and feel alright

I'm still riding the wave of good vibes after my trip last week in Ocho Rios, Jamaica for Becky and Andy's wedding celebration. It was a beautiful occasion only made better by reconnecting with old friends and meeting a bunch of new, interesting, and talented folks. I even had my first Red Stripe in its natural environment. 

The stories are better told in person (some of which are hard to find words for), but for now you can gaze upon the few photos I snapped from when I actually had a phone in hand.